Tag Archives: grateful

Mothers and sons

This week my son and I took a trip. Not the kind of trip I was expecting.  He ended up in the emergency room and needed to have his appendix removed.  There was a time in there that I was actually scared.  People can die from a ruptured appendix. I know because my grandfather did.  With antibiotics and good care he will be leaving the hospital today and I am so relieved.  The hardest part of the whole ordeal for me was watching my son suffer the pain. I thank God for pain medication!  You never want you child to suffer, even as an adult.  It got me to thinking about how your love for you child binds you to them forever.  Yes, he is an adult and can be on his own, but still your first inclination is to take care of him.  He would have been okay had I not been there but I am so glad I could be with his through this. I think he was glad as well.

I had such a special time with my daughter only a couple of weeks ago and now I’ve had a special time with my son under very different circumstances.  I am blessed to be close to both my kids and I am grateful. BUT I would rather have a road trip with my son. <smile>

*O wondrous God, You bless me every day with your love made known the relationships with my children and my spouse.  Thank you for your presence in my life and in theirs.  As I move in my daily life help me to be more and more aware of You.  Amen*