Monthly Archives: May 2018

On Aging

One very wise woman said to me, “Don’t grow old, I don’t recommend it.” At the time I laughed as I thought she was being funny but now I understand what she meant. As you get older things start to change. You used to need glasses, now you need bifocals or for some trifocals. What a pain trying to read small print! Hearing changes. For me, it has been a challenge distinguishing sounds. If more than one loud stimulus, I can’t process either. For others hearing just goes. Then there are the joints… lost elasticity of skin… memory …
I am not falling apart but I do get what she was saying. We take so much for granted when we are young.
Unless I live to be 130, I am in the last third of my life. This was a bit shocking to realize as I just got used to being 40 recently (or so it seemed). Time does seem to go by faster these days. I remember my mom and dad saying something about that. I don’t mind it but it took me by surprise. There is some joy in attaining a certain age. If you are in decent health you can live with the aging process but you don’t have to like it! Peace!